
Nostr πŸ•ΈοΈ nick@utxo.club

MvdB - Forgone Destruction (UT99) 🌌



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self hosted git repos

my github

vandals drew over the satsale cow




miner bitcoin miner

πŸ¦‘ onchain πŸͺΈ address πŸ™

this could be you

Try My Blind Signatures Demo
>> Now Posting to Nostr


At Frostsnap ❄ we're making bitcoin self-custody easy.

With Frostsnap, you can begin your journey into self-soverignty by creating a key that is stored on a single frostsnap device, plugged directly into your phone.

In our app you can create a new key and wallet. Any sensitive action you make via the Frostsnap app must be physically confirmed on your frostnap device.

With Frostsnap devices connecting in a daisy-chain, you can easily upgrade to a multisignature wallet protected behind multiple keys.

Multisignatures are one of the most powerful ideas in bitcoin. Truly distributed security for private property, for the first time in human history.

For example, with three frostsnap devices you can create a 2-of-3 where you need to sign on any two of the devices in order to spend funds.

You could hide these three keys in separate geographical locations, or share them with people you trust.

With frostsnap, we've devised a way to create additional access policies to the same wallet, such as a "spending key" where a single device can spend up to some user defined limit per day.

Or a user could create an additional set of multisig keys for inheritance. Suppose you create an additional 3-of-3 and share those keys amongst trusted parties.

Advancements of cryptography have formed Frostsnap's vision for an upgradable, personalized, and intuitive self-custody experience.

For more, check out my conversation with Stephan Livera Podcast #476: What is FROST? Is it the future of Bitcoin Multisig?

a daisy-chain of frostsnap prototypes

avoid games of chess with market makers


SatSale is a lightweight payment processor written in python - SatSale.org.

peer-to-peer electronic cash is the ultimate fuck you money. The freedom to receive payments from whoever you want, for whatever you want.

You can connect SatSale to your own Bitcoin node or clightning/lnd node. It features a lightweight mode via xpubs, can self-custody lightning addresses, woocommerce point-of-sales and more!

Blind Schnorr Signatures

With blind signatures you can have a server sign something, without them learning what they have signed. This is powerful for building coordinators or authorities that respect user privacy.

blind schnorr signatures demo πŸ‘€ which runs entirely in browser using WASM πŸ¦€ and it can even sign a Nostr post

Blind schnorr signature implementation in a PR to secp256kfun.

misc other projects


did the bogdanoff twins fake their own deaths?
will they return to haunt the btc markets?

more important things to come